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Strategic Talent and Retention Services TM  (STARS TM)
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Talent Acquisition Employee Engagement Survey Strategic OnBoarding Exit Interviews

Key aspects of the model:

It all starts with Talent Acquisition. Hiring the right talent is essential to any business. To do this properly, a company needs to understand not only what experience a person must have, but also whether a prospect is a cultural fit. A large portion of the key information needed to make the proper assessment is gathered through the employee satisfaction surveys and the exit interviews.

Once hired, Strategic On-boarding will assist the new hire to understand the corporate culture: what needs to be accomplished and how to become an integral and effective member within this culture. This turns into strategic and financial success for both the company and the new hire.

Employee Engagement is a critical component to the success of the company. By partnering with an objective third party partner, clarity can be brought to components of the employee experience: internal communications, business processes, customer focus, corporate values, level of opportunities they crave, leadership & management skills, etc.

Exit Interviews conducted by an independent third party provide objective input regarding the former employee�s experience. The company will now have a candid account of the company�s internal communication, benefits package, leadership effectiveness, developmental programs, growth opportunities, and overall culture. When administered by a third party company, it provides a vehicle for the former employee to provide helpful suggestions and insights that they often may not feel comfortable disclosing during in-person interviews conducted by a fellow employee


More Reading:

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